
Showing posts from September, 2010

What SharePoint Can Do ????

SharePoint is one of the most useful, versatile and beneficial technologies you can use. SharePoint can do many things for you, from managing data to document sharing to instant messaging. If you take a few minutes to think about the things SharePoint can do for you, you might just be pleasantly surprised. On a basic level, SharePoint can provide you and your organization a way to share knowledge. Sharing knowledge benefits you on several levels. It helps to reduce the duplication of effort inside your organization. Users can become more efficient, building off one another’s work instead of creating everything they might need from the ground up. In addition, the kind of knowledge sharing that SharePoint provides your business helps to streamline the knowledge sharing process. Rather than having to look in several places – such as a server, a personal computer and a filing cabinet – your employees can find all of the information in the SharePoint repository. One of the best things about

Changing Face of MOSS 2007 To sharepont 2010

The SharePoint 2010 Microsoft has regrouped all the feature into 6 new Feature Area Here is the Mapping between the Feature Areas from Office SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 1. Collaboration is now Communities 2. Portals is now Sites 3. Business Processes is now Composites 4. Business Intelligence is now Insights 5. Search is Search 6. Content Management is now Content