
Showing posts from October, 2013

Tracing in Windows Communication Foundation

Tracing mechanism in Windows Communication Foundation is based on the classes that resides in System.Diagnostic namespace.Important classes are Trace, TraceSource and TraceListener. Following are the steps to enable tracing in WCF : 1.  Configuring WCF to emit tracing information/Define Trace Source , we have the following options: System.ServiceModel  System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging  System.ServiceModel.IdentityModel System.ServiceModel.Activation  System.Runtime.Serialization  System.IO.Log Cardspace       In configuration file, we will define a source to enable this configuration as follows:        2.  Setting Tracing Level , we have the following available options, we need to set this tracing level to available options other than default "Off": Off Critical Error Warning Information Verbose ActivityTracing All       In configuration file, we can choose above values for switchValue attribute as follows: